Eventfotografie und Highlight Video BayWa Food Tech demo Day.
Im Rahmen dieses eindrucksvollen Events haben wir die Eventfotografie und das Highlight Video realisiert. Hier ist der Videoclip des BayWa FoodTech DemoDay.
„Here are the highlights of our #BayWaFoodTechDemoDay 🚀. Almost two weeks later I am still convinced that it was an important and right impulse for the AgriFoodTech Ecosystem in Germany, Europe and Israel. I am proud that BayWa AG is contributing to the food of the future. We do this even or especially in difficult market conditions, because we see opportunities in challenges! #TurningChallengesIntoOpportunities
This view demands and promotes collaboration, my thanks to all participants, you were just great!“
English text by Kristal Golan